We will add downloads to this page to assist with publicising the work of the Food Bank.
Update: The October poster and flyer have the updated times (10:00 - 12:00) for the Adur West Family Hub.
Poster updated October 2023
Flyer updated October 2023
This is a two-page PDF that includes details of how donors can help us, and can be printed back to back.
UKHarvest Community Food Hubs (added 15/6/23)
The food hubs are confirmed to be running monthly until April 2025, although the poster haven’t been updated. Dates are in our diary, and at
Download the Southwick Hub poster
Download the Worthing Hub poster
Heat or Eat (added 26/1/24)
The Heat or Eat flyer encourages people in financial hardship to find out about the Fuel Bank Foundation and other pointers that we can give.
Easy Fund Raising (added 21/2/24)
EasyFundRaising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping site. Launched in 2005, over 2 million supporters have raised over £50 million for thousands of causes across the U.K.
Dog Food Bank (added 8/2/24)
The Dogs Trust is running a Dog Food Bank every day from 0900 - 1600.
The Dogs Trust near Shoreham Airport is open for general browsing on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 12–4pm.
Space At The Table (added 6/8/24)
Is there really no such thing as a free lunch? Or a buffet tea? Together with an afternoon of family entertainment? Find out on 22nd August at Lancing Tab, where we’re very pleased that we’ll be able to fund another Space At The Table event, hosted this time by Electric Storm Youth.
This is coming up really soon, so if you’re able to use this poster to advertise the event, please do.